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Here, you will find personal projects purely created by me in HTML and CSS code. All projects are front end and both done internally and externally. I will continually update this section to further showcase my abilities in Visual Studio Code as a website designer. I am self taught and will continually advance myself as a growing coder, designer, and artist. Alongside the URL's, you will find the actual code associated with the webpage build. If you're an advanced coder of any background, such as front-end, back-end, or full stack, etc. Please feel free to email me in my contact section if you have the time to give any proper critiques or pointers. Thank you for taking the time to look over my digital portfolio!  






1.) UI Art Project (URL):


2.) Nosferatu Project: (URL):


3.) Daniel Webster Project (URL):


4.) William McKinley (URL):


5.) Potoo Webpage w/ Buttons (URL):


6.) My First Scroller Page (URL):


7.) Protofolio w/ Marquee (URL):



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